Rosa María Román-Cuesta
Rosa María Román-Cuesta is a tropical forest ecologist working on the interface between science and policy support. She has an interest on landscape restoration and on the role of forests and other land uses as climate change mitigators (e.g. REDD+, Iniciativa2020) and adaptation-promoters (eg. Nature Based Solutions). Her latest projects include FIMIDTRO (Fire management mitigation practices in the dry tropics) (2019-2020); CORESCAM (Coastal and marine biodiversity resilience to extreme events in the Caribbean: implications for regional conservation and policy making) (2020-2022) and SEFOCAD (Secondary Forests Carbon Dynamics in Peru) (2020-2022). An Alexander von Humboldt Fellow since 2007 (TUM-Munich), Rosa María began her international career working on an EU-funded project on Sustainable use, conservation and restoration of tropical forests in Mexico and Chile) (1998-2001) (SUCRE), from where she earned her PhD on Forest Sciences (2002), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain. She counts on several postdoctoral research stays (e.g. ECI-Oxford University, TUM-Technical University of Munich, ECOSUR-Mexico). Prior to CIFOR Rosa Maria worked as a consultant for the Norwegian Space Agency and hold a three-year staff position at the UN Agency FAO. As a forest officer under the UN-REDD team, she assisted Latin American Governments to develop and implement their REDD+ forest mitigation activities and MRV systems. Her work runs at different scales: from plot level to landscape levels through fieldwork, remote sensing and GIS.
What is her role in CORESCAM?
At CORESCAM she runs regional analyses on the drivers that promote the recovery of coastal-marine ecosystems after extreme events, and their implications for policy making.
Get to know her projects and publications
AFOLU: Mapping hotspots of land use emissions and their uncertainties in the tropics for 2000-2005
SWAMP: Tropical wetlands and peatlands: location, area and peat depths
Blue Carbon and NDCs in Latin America and the Caribbean
FIMIDTRO Fire management mitigation practices in the dry tropics