The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducts scientific research. The mission of the Department of Ecology and Wildlife Conservation at the University of Florida is to foster education, raise awareness, and reward with scholarships, using multidisciplinary approaches, with the purpose of understanding, managing, and conserving biological resources. The main objective of our teaching, research and extension programs is to develop and communicate the knowledge necessary to improve the conservation and management of wildlife and its habitats for the greatest aesthetic, ecological, economic, and recreational values of the Earth using our own fleet of space, air and field campaigns. Within the Earth Sciences Division at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, individual labs contribute to science and applications covering disciplines of biospheric science, cryospheric science, atmospheric science, hydrology, and disasters.
What is our role in CORESCAM?
Researchers at the University of Florida are studying the links between extreme weather events and coastal bird communities in the Caribbean and Mesoamerican region.