
Claudia Teutli Hernández

Claudia Teutli is a biologist and Dr. in environmental science and technology, specializing in ecological management and restoration from the University of Barcelona. Since its inception, it has been dedicated to researching the adaptation, mitigation and vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to the effects of climate change and the restoration of coastal ecosystems, recently with a focus on the recovery of environmental services at different spatial scales. She is co-author of the mangrove ecological restoration strategy developed in the Primary Production Laboratory of CINVESTAV – Mérida Unit, used by other institutions (SEMARNAT, CONAFOR, LME GoM, ECOSUR, DUMAC, Pronatura, and various consultants). She coordinates multiple mangrove ecological restoration projects in the Gulf of Mexico, the South Pacific, and the Yucatan Peninsula.

What is her role in CORESCAM?

At CORESCAM she participates in the analysis of the forest structure and its changes related to extreme events (hurricanes) and the resilience capacity of these ecosystems in space and time. She is a research collaborator whose hiring is from internal sources of ENES – UNAM Mérida and the Primary Production Laboratory of CINVESTAV, Mérida Unit.

Get to know her projects and publications



Guide to Mangrove Ecological Restoration: Lessons Learned. Project, Mainstreaming Wetlands into the Climate Agenda: A multi-level approach (SWAMP) (

Ecological restoration of mangroves in Mexico. Governance and Management of Coasts and Seas in the face of Uncertainty. A Guide for Decision Makers  (

Blue carbon of Mexico, carbon stocks and fluxes: a systematic review (  

Nurse species could facilitate the recruitment of mangrove seedlings after hydrological rehabilitation (
