Jorge Luis_Manglares_CINVESTAV

Jorge Luis Montero Muñoz

Dr. Montero is a professor of statistics applied to experimentation at the CINVESTAV Unit Mérida. His work focuses on the development and application of experimental designs and statistical analysis in different research areas such as: quantitative ecology and experimental protocols focused on toxicity and environmental contamination. Dr. Montero’s work is carried out in collaboration with researchers from national (Mexican) and international institutions. Dr. Montero’s particular interest is focused on the application and development of statistical methods for the study of beta diversity and its spatial and temporal variability, and its relationship with environmental disturbances and stress.

What is his role in CORESCAM?

At CORESCAM he participates in the statistical analysis of time series data, spatial data, climatic multitemporary spatial data, and their relationship with data on the forest and functional structure of mangroves, and the biodiversity of birds in the Yucatan Peninsula. He is a collaborator whose hiring is from internal sources of CINVESTAV, Mérida Unit.

Get to know her projects and publications


Blue carbon of Mexico, carbon stocks and fluxes: a systematic review (

Beta diversity and oligarchic dominance in the tropical forests of Southern Costa Rica (

The Effect of Algal-Gardening Damselfish on the Resilience of the Mesoamerican Reef (

Toxicity evaluation and microbiota response of the lined sole Achirus lineatus (Chordata: Achiridae) exposed to the light petroleum water-accommodated fraction (WAF) (
