The National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN for its acronym in Spanish), belonging to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC for its acronym in Spanish), was founded in 1771, making it one of the oldest natural history museums in the world. The MNCN is a pioneer research center in Spain of natural patrimony, and in raising awareness. The research area is made of six departments, a series of research-supporting services and two field stations. The main objectives of the institution are to discover the different manifestations of biological and geological diversity on our planet, to study the different processes that they generate and entail and promote their conservation. Various interdisciplinary research projects in collaboration with other scientists from other national and international institutions are carried out in order to help reach these objectives, they also promote seminaries, talks and any other type of activity to help raise awareness of the natural environment.
What is our role in CORESCAM?
The MNCN-CSIC team carries out communication and dissemination strategies for the project.