CATIE is a regional center of excellence in Latin America. Its mission is to promote sustainable human well-being by fostering education, research, and technical assistance throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to achieve adequate agricultural management and the conservation of natural resources.
CATIE’s Climate Action Unit is tasked with developing innovative approaches to respond to the challenges faced by societies and ecosystems under the growing dynamics of the Anthropocene. Using an integrative perspective and focusing on ensuring the flow of key ecosystem services, we are spearheading transformative landscape management in our region of interest. We are also the leading group in developing key blue carbon science and policy instruments that will help countries leverage these tools to fulfill their contributions to global climate action.
What is our role in CORESCAM?
CATIE’s Climate Action Unit has the task of analyzing the spatio-temporal covariance of the stability of coastal and marine ecosystems through the landscape complex (from coral reefs and mangrove forests to the adjacent terrestrial matrix) under a dynamic of increasing extreme atmospheric events.